After a little hiatus, the Soft Focus is back. And today’s episode is a deep dive into the world of ghee— an ancestral superfood of clarified butter.
Sheerlie Ryngler, the woman behind cult ghee brand Belly of the Sun, is on the podcast today sharing the magic of healthy fat. At Belly of the Sun, she clarifies grass-fed butter and blends it with powerful herbs to make amazing treats that nourish body and spirit. Not only is her ghee sumptuous and full of nutrition, it is also crafted to support mood, immunity, fertility and more.
Corinne and Sheerlie discuss—
- Why Ghee?
- Herbal ghee as a way to stack functions
- Sacred traditions around the world celebrating ghee, milk, etc
- Fat fueling abundance and safety
- Chronic misunderstanding of fat in the diet
- The interplay of fat, safety, fertility, and resilience
- The various body systems that rely on fat
- The essence of being and feeling nourished
- How Sheerlie makes her blends
- The power of direct-experience with herbs
- How Sheerlie sources her products
- Sierra Nevada cheese company
- Why grass-fed, pasture-raised butter is different
- The key detail about getting enough vitamin D
- The power of ancestral practices
- The nutritional profile of ghee, and why it might be better for people sensitive to dairy
- How food sensitivities are mostly reversible
- Corinne’s personal experience getting over her food sensitivities
- The radical power of simplicity
- Sheerlie’s experience moving to a rural area from an urban upbringing
- How coming home to ourselves can be a challenging process
- Sheerlie’s new direction with Belly of the Sun
- Our societal misconceptions about premium food products
- Why some food on grocery stores shelves is so cheap
- The importance of raising prices and valuing ourselves in our businesses
- Sheerlie’s view on living with deeper intention and clarity
- Connecting the dots between our choices and what we wish to create in the world
- Digging deep to find strength when it feels like everything is stacked against you
Interested in connecting with Sheerlie? Find her online and on instagram bellyofthesun.
Check out the amazing sampler box of ghee and get hooked for yourself.
This episode was brought to you by Late Bloomer Ranch. Be sure to check our farm-raised yarn, flower essences, and BloomBoxes available to ship in the continental USA.
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